Boookworms’s Weblog

L’oeil était dans la tombe, Christian De Metter by boookworms
mars 18, 2008, 5:03
Filed under: Comic books, News


L’oeil était dans la tombe, Christian De Metter

French comic books could be very unhealthy. Christian De Metter shows us a surprising face of a dream world. Sex, murders, alcohol…all is used to take the reader in a black world where a serial killer commits murders after murders.

The hero, who is more like an antihero, leads an ordinary life swatted by the others. The plot is montrously strictness and unconscionable stressful. The investigator meets a young blind boy, who is more « lucid » than normal persons.

But the pictures are very well drawed. The colors, in the majority black and green, are very effective.

In conclusion, pictures and scenario meddle each other giving us 72 pages of pure thrill !

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Oh my god… it looks so frightened! Brrr!

Commentaire par Murielle

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